Saturday, August 30, 2008

We left our village early in anticipation of a long day of travel ahead. The roads were full as usual. In the morning water for the day is collected by women and children from rivers, community pumps and dams that are often a long walk from their homes. Later in the day the traffic changes to people and vehicles loaded up with things for or from the markets. Heavy loads, large bags of potatoes on the head & multiple bags on bicycles. Most people walk, bicycles for those that have them & minivans and motorbikes for those with money or have further to go. We visit a market that is filled with stalls. Vegetables, spices, shoes, charcoal, cloth, clothing, ornaments every thing that the villagers need for their day to day lives. The Grey Crowned Crane had been on my wish list of birds to see. Our lunch stop provided my first and totally unexpected opportunity to get some photographs. A glance over my shoulder had me reaching for the camera. A family group was resident in the restaurants courtyard. A disappointing backdrop but you get your reference whenever and where ever it presents its self.

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