Friday, May 30, 2008

Wild painter meets preschool
Today we went to a local preschool. Some anonymous copy right infringes blatantly infringed the copyrignt of the evil empire. The kids and their teacher seemed pleased. I may or may not have made a contribution to the criminal activity.
A hand full of Koala toys and a bit of paint extracted the biggest smiles from the kids.
Pic now available as you can see. I did the Zebra, giraffe and lion. Kids thought it was great.

1 comment:

Steve Morvell said...

Gee I dunno about that cheeky lookin bugger in the middle but I would love some more detail on those very attractive 'teachers'.....hehehehehe............nah...seriously mate good on you for working with those kids. Knowing you I reckon they got heaps from the experience :))))