Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Back in Oz: but the blog must go on.
My best intentions were not enough when it came to finding internet access and the opportunity to add updates. However the belated additions to the trip blog will be worth checking on.

12/6/08 We travelled from the house boat, through Namibia to Zambia and the Victoria Falls. A long and uneventful but the falls were worth the drive. I assembled a series of shots to create the top image. Even with a wide angle lens the scale can’t be captured in one shot. The view from helicopter allowed us to understand how the falls were formed. The falls are 1.5 ks long and the red line shows where we walked. We had been warned that the falls are often hidden by spray and mist. Even a tour guide told us he had never actually seen the falls. The luck continued, mist cleared and the full glory and grandeur of the falls was revealed. We both got drowned by dense mist and rain that went up rather than down. Colleen had a bit of a blub from just being there.

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